Turn study loans for bumiputra into scholarships, Govt urged

Puteri Umno

(The Star) – Turn education loans for bumiputra into full scholarships, Terengganu Puteri Umno has urged the Government.

Dungun Puteri Umno chief Arlina Rosli suggested a review of educational loans from the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN), Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) and the Public Service Department (PSD) so that they could be offered in the form of scholarships for young Malays to further their studies.

“Do not insult our race with loans. Education is our right.

“I do not care about the perception that the Malays are supposedly lazy or not capable, because our main purpose is to ensure young women can develop themselves further,” she said when debating the motion on education at the wing’s assembly here Wednesday.

Arlina said Puteri Umno understood the constraints faced by the Government in abolishing all education loans and replacing them with scholarships.

“If the Government cannot start this initiative, then at least let us take the first step at the party level.

“We propose that a special fund be set up in the party, and be given the name Puteri Umno Chief’s Education Fund,” she said, calling for the party leadership to entrust the young women’s wing with the responsibility of recognising eligible candidates for the fund.

