Is Wanita Umno becoming too demanding?


(Bernama) – The demand by the Wanita Umno movement for two additional seats, one each for the vice-president’s seat and a divisional vice-head seat, specifically for the wing must be scrutinised because it is feared that this may lead to a split, said a political analyst.

Senior lecturer at the International Study Centre, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Md Shukri Shuib said it was feared that if this ‘desire’ was fulfilled, it would lead to a tussle among members of the movement and create friction.

He disclosed this to Bernama when asked to comment on the request by Wanita Umno head Shahrizat Abdul Jalil in her policy speech at the 2014 Wanita Umno general assembly at the Putra World Trade Centre, for a vice-president’s seat and a divisional vice-head seat allocated to Wanita Umno.

Shahrizat said that at the Wanita Umno divisional delegates meeting this year, 171 divisions and 12,483 branches supported the motion. Wanita Umno has 1.3 million members, almost half of Umno’s total membership of 3.5 million.

The proposal supported Clause 3.4 of the Wanita Umno constitution to promote women to achieve 30 per cent in national development and decision-making positions in the country, she said.

Md Shukri drew attention when stating that suitable positions for women were those involving administration such as secretary-general and information chief because women were more thorough and capable of carrying out tasks that were more orderly.

Looking at the party’s top post as a recognition and capable of empowering the women’s involvement in politics, Shahrizat pointed out that the demand for both positions was not aimed at dropping anyone.

Although the terminology ‘makcik’ (aunty) was used to refer to the Wanita movement members, Shahrizat seiously emphasised that the demand was appropriate because the contribution of women in ensuring victory for the Barisan Nasional (BN) in the last general election could not be denied.
