Khairy painted the stark reality faced by Umno

UMNO 2014

Rosli Zakaria, NST

DIRECT to the point on a topic called “Malays”, Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar painted the stark reality faced by Umno to forged a Malay identity that can bring the race forward against the tide of uncertainty.

“Malays should not be ashamed of being a race and should not be embarrassed when speaking of the direction and future of our own people. And more importantly, we do not have to be apologetic to others because this is about us.

“If we ourselves do not stand up to defend the dignity of our own people, who else will?” he asked, setting the tone for debates by Youth speakers.

Khairy said being a person of race comes with big responsibilities, and this does not stop at defending the struggles, expanding the legacies or continuing the traditions of the party.

“A dignified person of race will continuously look at the reflection of himself through the eyes of the community. A progressive person of race will always know the directional latitudes of his community.

“We as the youth in the party are compelled to prove to the naysayers that we choose hope instead of destruction. We want to disagree with all due respect, debate with full knowledge and refute with fairness.

“If that is to be our way, UMNO Youth will continue to carry the ethos of the Malay community which is truly free,” he said to a loud applause from the 985 Umno Youth delegates.

He said rejuvenating Umno and making it attractive to the young was long overdue and that it was important to perceived the young not as a threat but as hope.

“In recent times, UMNO Youth is focused on bringing true change to the young people of Malaysia through our politics of service. We also emphasized on issues that are truly relevant in their daily lives so that the struggle is targeted, and that our service can expand.

“But what is sometimes unsavoury, is that our sincerity is doubted, spat upon and questioned. Not by outsiders, but from those within our own party. The UMNO Youth has become an easy punching bag.

“If there is anything wrong or off in the party, any mistakes when carrying out our duties, it is always us who will be blamed. When our members are not chosen as election candidates, we are accused of sabotaging the party.

“This is not just an old story, but one that is constant and current,” he added.

Despite his desolation, Khairy said UMNO Youth had never let this fester into spiteful hatred and vengeance that could destroy the party.

“The process of rejuvenating the party cannot be boxed simply into the rhetorical aspect that will go against our struggle. The rejuvenation of the party has to be of highest importance on the platform of reality, so that all can see, and all can understand that it is truly our desire to rejuvenate UMNO.

Khairy said while Umno was not lacking in youth support, he questioned why there were young people who supported the opposition and even more worrying those who joined a chauvinistic party.

“The answer is simple. That party is seen to be giving opportunities to the young. Though inexperience, one can become an election candidate. If we were to look in the Dewan Rakyat, there are many more young faces sitting across the aisle compared to our side.

“It is situations like these that form the perception that they are ready to uplift the young. If that is the trend of our political foes, where is our wow factor?

“Are there not enough intellectuals, gifted orators or fiery debaters among the young in UMNO to be elevated? Or do we still see the young as errand boys and extra muscle to hang up party colours and ferry voters on motorcycles every time there is an election?

“This may be so 50 years ago, but the world and its ways have changed. And if we refuse to change, it is our place which will change through the young voters’ ballots,” he said.

Khairy said UMNO was actually a young people’s party where there was a time when the party leadership was chock-full with young blood at the very highest level.

He named several Umno stalwarts including Tan Sri Rais Yatim who became Menteri Besar of Negeri Sembilan at 36 years old; Tan Sri Shahrir Samad became a deputy Cabinet minister at the age of 31 and the Federal Territories Minister at the age of 34; Tan Sri Isa Samad became Menteri Besar of Negeri Sembilan at 33 years old; Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik taking office as Chief Minister of Malacca at the age of 32.

He also mentioned Tun Musa Hitam who became acting secretary general of UMNO at 32 years old and a Cabinet minister at 40; Tan Sri Annuar Musa became a Cabinet minister at the age of 34; Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah was Petronas chairman at 35, and Finance Minister at 39 years old.

“Even the father of our president, the late Tun Razak was elevated to become Menteri Besar of Pahang at the age of 33, and Deputy Prime Minister when he was 35 years old.

“Unfortunately we have fallen behind times. It is only I, the leader of UMNO Youth, as the sole Cabinet minister below the age of 40. This is not something that I want, and I cannot be the only person to have pulled through

“I want you and many more of my peers to join me. It is only then that there is transformation,” he said.

Khairy said Umno Youth were not greedy in wanting positions or status, but the party cannot deny that the generational and demographic shift was happening right now.

“Be quick in pairing up those who are experienced with the young to chart our future. We want the voice of the young to ring from every level of the nation’s administration.

“We want more Youth in Dewan Rakyat, in the state legislative assemblies, in GLC, as deputy ministers and many more Pemuda as federal ministers,” he added.

