Anwar tirelessly lured Sabah MPs in Putrajaya takeover, court told

Raime Unggi

V. Anbalagan, The Malaysian Insider

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s camp was persistent in wooing Sabah MPs to leave Barisan Nasional in the opposition leader’s efforts to take over Putrajaya by September 16, 2008, the High Court heard today.

Defence witness Datuk Raime Unggi, who is Tenom MP, testified that Anwar’s sustained efforts led some of the MPs to discuss the cross-over on many occasions, including overseas.

He said the subject was first brought up by Kimanis MP Datuk Seri Anifah Aman in 2008 when several elected representatives met at the Le Meridien Hotel in Kota Kinabalu.

“At the gathering I came to know Ronald Kiandee (Beluran MP) was offered RM5 million to jump ship,” Raime said when cross-examined by lawyer Razlan Hadri Zulkifli, who is representing Anwar.

Raime said at the meeting, Anifa, whom he described as his leader, told those present that they should not take any offer made by Anwar or those aligned to the opposition leader.

He said all of them agreed to Anifah’s suggestion.

“But the offer was unceasing and we (Anifah, Ronald and Raime) discuss the matter again in Macau,” he said.

Raimee was testifying in a defamation suit brought by Anwar against Anifah who is now foreign minister.

Anifah allegedly uttered defamatory words about Anwar during a news conference in Washington with former United States secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

He told reporters that Anwar had offered him the post of deputy prime minister if he brought MPs from the state to topple the BN government which had won 140 seats in the 2008 general election.


