Ariff Sabri: Nation rudderless, ignore Umno’s rhetoric


MP Ariff Sabri says the public should ignore the fiery speeches of Umno delegates and worry instead about the nation’s lack of leadership.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Raub MP Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz has told the public not to be “unduly alarmed” by the fiery rhetoric coming from the Umno general assembly, saying the so-called threats to Malay interests aren’t really happening.

“These are nothing but excuses which Ummo uses to hide its incompetence, greed and thievery. It is always Malays are under threat, their rights are questioned, Islam is under siege and the Malay monarchy is vilified,” writes Ariff in his latest blog entry.

He says even the chest-thumping delegates are not taking their own speeches too seriously.

“The Umno assembly is an orgy of rhetoric making,” he writes. “The sirens are having a jolly good time.

“Come evening time, the Puteri and even the Wanita members, away from their spouses for a period of 3-4 days, get into their amorous clothing and seek out the forbidden pleasures which the freedom of KL has to offer.

“What were spoken just a few hours earlier are drowned in the din of dangdut music, and the hopes and fears of the Malays so ferociously spoken of during the day evaporate into the heat of the night.”


