Najib sacrificed non-Malays to gain Umno support


Kadir Jasin says while it is a risk worth taking, it has also given the opposition more bullets to attack the PM with.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Veteran journalist A Kadir Jasin said Prime Minister Najib Razak sacrificed his popularity with the non-Malay members of Barisan Nasional and the liberal elite to ensure his survival as Umno President and the country’s Prime Minister.

Kadir, his latest blog post, said he was not surprised with the decision of Najib to turn against his promise to repeal the Sedition Act to “empower” the Malays.

He said Najib needed the Malays even more especially after last year’s “Tsunami Cina”.

“Sacrificing his popularity with the non-Malay members of his Barisan Nasional coalition and incurring the ire of the liberal elite are a risk worth taking if the reward is ensuring his survival as Umno President and Prime Minister – at least until the next general election,” he said.

Kadir, who seconded the PM’s decision to retain the Sedition Act, said this was a smart move, however, Barisan Nasional would have to face the outcome of losing the support of the non-Malays and the liberal elite.

“Damn me if you wish, but on this I am with Mohd Najib. I have never been in favour of Mohd Najib’s decision to repeal the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the Emergency Ordinance (EO). The furthest I would go is to amend them to be in tune with time.”

He added, ”In making the decision, Najib was addressing himself almost exclusively to Umno” since he himself has said he made the decision after taking into account the opinions of the Wanita and Youth wings of the party as well as the Deputy President, Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin.

Kadir said if Najib had consulted Umno and party elders before repealing the ISA and the EO, and announcing plans to do the same with the Sedition Act, he would have still not become any more popular among the non-Malays, liberal elite and the western-oriented gentlemen.

“The 2013 General Election results showed that these people were against the government not so much because of ISA, EO and SA but because of the opulence, extravagance, power abuse and corruption of the ruling elite,” he said.

Kadir said despite that fact, the PM still chose to offend the Malays of his own party by promising to repeal the Sedition Act, which made things worse.

He said the non-Malays and liberal elite did not contribute in a positive manner towards Najib’s dream of a moderate Malaysia when they started questioning and insulting the Malays and their institutions relentlessly on social media.

“Now, members of his party may be temporarily relieved.


