No smoking? But I’m a Datuk and he’s a Tan Sri


(The Rakyat Post) – Delegates at the Umno general assembly have drawn the ire of others for smoking inside the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC).

The delegates were seen puffing away despite the presence of many no-smoking signs in the building.

A waiter, who declined to be named, claimed that some delegates refused to put out their cigarettes when told to do so.

“They claimed to be ‘Datuks’ and ‘Tan Sris’ to insinuate that it was all right for them to smoke.”

Sallehuddin Mohd Iska, from Sabak Bernam, said anyone who smokes should be disciplined enough to help maintain a “smoke free” environment in public places.

He, however, disagreed with the waiter, arguing that it was unlikely for “Datuks” and “Tan Sris” to insist on smoking in public places.

“Those people who claim they are VIPs and continue to smoke despite being reminded are probably just bluffing.”

Hulu Selangor delegate Zulkarnain Abu Hanit said those who smoke should be more considerate.

“Malaysians love convenience but in this case, the smokers should know that second hand smoke is as harmful as those who inhale it.”

Meanwhile, the party’s information chief, Datuk Ahmad Maslan, said delegates who smoke must do so in designated areas.

He expressed surprise when informed by The Rakyat Post that complaints were going around that some delegates had been smoking inside the building.

“I will make announcements to remind them not to smoke in public areas.”

