Penang a lost cause for Umno, BN

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Chinese businessmen make dirty money and this has strengthened the Opposition’s hold on the Penang Government.

(Free Malaysia Today) – A Penang delegate from Permatang Pauh, the parliamentary seat held by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, told the Umno General Assembly bluntly on Friday that the Barisan Nasional (BN) will never win back the island state because “no matter how we do it, BN will not win because the Chinese do not support BN”.

“Malays only have 14 out of 40 state seats in Penang, and this means no matter how hard we contest, without the votes of the Chinese, BN would never win,” said Penang delegate Mohd Zaid Mohd Said while Umno President and Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak looked on with no emotions betrayed on his face.

He was speaking during the debate on Najib’s policy address delivered at the Umno General Assembly on Thursday.

He lamented that since Umno members are always hoping for an easy way out, plotting among themselves and expecting quick riches, they will forever be humiliated and debased.

He implied that the authorities concerned are looking the other way and this has allowed Chinese businessmen in Penang to make dirty money and strengthen the Pakatan Rakyat’s hold on the state government there.

He did not address the issue of the previous BN Government facing the same problem.

The dirty money was coming from illicit economic activities such as illegal gambling, prostitution and entertainment outlets, added Mohd Zaid. “The Malays are mild-mannered and the relevant authorities are turning a blind eye to them.”

“If we go all out to take action against their illegal businesses, I believe the Chinese will be afraid and respect the Malays,” he said.


