‘I’m not bothered being labelled a hardcore Malay, Muslim fundamentalist’


(The Rakyat Post) – Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said he was unconcerned at being labelled a Muslim fundamentalist or even a hardcore Malay.

In his winding up speech at the party’s 2014 General Assembly, Ahmad Zahid said although he was fine with the label, it had not in any way allowed him to disrespect those of other races or religions.

In fact, he confidently insisted that he would sacrifice absolutely anything to protect the country, race and religion.

“I want to sternly state that I will defend Islam and the Malay rights. If that earns me the title of a hardcore Malay, then I am hardcore for the Malays!

“If I am called a fundamentalist, I am a Muslim fundamentalist. It doesn’t mean I reject other races and it doesn’t mean I disrespect other religions,” he said at the Putra World Trade Centre here today.

Earlier in his speech, Ahmad Zahid had also asked for a standing ovation for party president Datuk Seri Najib Razak for having announced that the Sedition Act 1948 would be retained.

He then asked for the other government agencies not to depend solely on the police to enforce the Act, urging them to also help in bringing the guilty party to justice.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Zahid spiritedly called on the Umno members to be strong and get into “war mode” in countering their enemies.

“Best form of defence is to attack,” Ahmad Zahid said, in calling for Umno members to “attack” their enemies outside. He, however, reminded them not to “shoot” or “kill” each other instead.

“Use our cyber powers to strengthen Umno, not to cause the downfall of our own friends,” he added.

Apart from that, Ahmad Zahid also announced the outline for a KERIS 2314 training module as a preparation for the next general election.

The module was formed as a weapon to face bold accusations by the Opposition and to strengthen Umno’s cause as the nation’s largest Malay party.

“In the preparation to face the 14th General Election, KERIS 2314 programme is no longer an option, but a necessity for every party member.

“When the drums of war ring, KERIS 2314 will not be just another keris, but it will be our weapon to face the Opposition,” said Ahmad Zahid, who is also the Home Minister.

The significance of the number 2314 was explained as 2/3 of the total parliamentary seats that the party must redeem in the next general election after its failure in the past two polls.

The figure 14 represents the 14th General Election that the party is preparing for by outlining strategies in this general assembly.

