Anwar cancels Bangkok date at FCCT

Anwar Ibrahim

(Bernama) – Malaysia’s Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has cancelled his appearance at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand (FCCT) here on the advice of his lawyers.

He will no longer be able to come to Bangkok this week; so, the event on Dec 3 has been cancelled, the FCTT announced this afternoon.

It said Anwar’s legal team had told him that due to the demands of the current legal case against him, he should not travel outside the country in the foreseeable future.

In the earlier notice to members, FCCT said Anwar was “to talk about his efforts to contest the seemingly unending judicial cases against him, on the uphill battle by his Pakatan movement to unseat the coalition that has ruled Malaysia since independence, and his own vision for a moderate, multi-racial and democratic Malaysia.”

