Pakatan Rakyat’s betrayal of their Manifesto


Selangor Menteri Besar abandons Pakatan Rakyat’s manifesto on NO TO TOLL AND NO TO CRONIES

Selve Sugumaran Perumal, Say No to Kidex, Vice Chairman 

I would like to congratulate YAB Dato Menteri Besar Mohamad Azmin Ali for condemning the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak for making a u-turn on the promise to abolish the Sedition Act.

Now that I have congratulated Azmin Ali, I would like to tell him that he is no better than the Prime Minister he condemned.

During the recent Selangor state assembly meeting, Mohamad Azmin Ali answered a question pertaining to the status of the Kinrara-Damansara Expressway (Kidex Skyway) and listed several conditions to enable the project to be considered. This was in reply to questions from the Member from Kajang, YB Dr Wan Azizah Ismail.

The Menteri Besar mentioned these conditions:

* the Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) must hold dialogues or town hall meetings to share information of the Kidex Skyway with stakeholders;

* no to one sided agreement;

* no to concessionaires benefit only;

* no to profits above the financial and investment output; and

* no to concession agreement being under OSA.

Missing from this list is the “no to tolls” and “no to cronies” that PR promised in their Buku Jingga.

Azmin Ali has rejected the Pakatan Rakyat manifesto by even considering any of the tolled-highway projects and made it clear to all of us that the PR manifesto was a public relations exercise to gain votes in the GE 13, just like Najib’s abolish the Sedition Act promise.

This is a clear indication that the Pakatan Rakyat State Government does not conform to Pakatan Rakyat’s own manifesto and has cheated the people. This is the ‘ubah’ the Pakatan Rakyat way. It is certainly not what the people imagined the promise to be.

Is this the same political party that ran on the ‘Demi – Rakyat’ platform? Is the manifesto not a contract, a promise, to the Rakyat? If you do not keep your word, then you are a liar and no different from BN.

Please tell me, if not in Selangor, then where else can you uphold your Pakatan Rakyat manifesto? Or maybe you don’t intend to uphold your promises and believe that you can write a whole bunch of promises for the next election to con the Rakyat with?

You know, BN did that to us for 50 years. PR took less than 5-years to do this by approving the project in principle in 2012 and then blatantly published a manifesto that claims that PR would abolish tolled-highways for the 2013 elections.

All those PR politicians who do not have the guts to take a stand, I will call you all out now as liars of the highest order and you – whether you are DAP, PKR or PAS – are no different from the UMNO, MCA and MIC that you criticise.

If we wanted to be cheated, we can just vote for BN. We don’t need a lying middle-man who tells us he is “Demi-Rakyat” to our faces but goes on to make God-knows-what-deals behind our backs. So do not tell us about how 1Malaysia Development Fund (1MDB) has failed when you have also failed us on the Kidex Skyway.

But all you PR politicians are free to prove me wrong. Show us you are different. Show us you got character and principles. Show us you are a statesman.

The Say No to Kidex group will be requesting formally to your respective political parties to have a public forum on Kidex Skyway. If you can do it for 1MDB, you can do it for Kidex Skyway.

