Playing Dirty Has Begun: Apanama’s Blog Suspended


Apanama’s latest posting (ex bangang) which I believe went up last nite was quite critical of the UMNO president. 

OutSyed the Box

By coincidence or not his ‘account’ has been suspended. Apanama’s blog is based on a .my server.

Unfortunately the repressive climate in the country is increasing. All this reference to global moderation, being a leader among moderates is just fodder to dupe the people in the kampongs. Lip service. Anwar Ibrahim style. PAS style as well.

They are not serious. This is the whole issue – they are not serious. Kipling’s children again.

Oil is down to US$66. A friend joked that is the world market price. Malaysia is not part of this world. So here the price of diesel just went up a few sen.

That CEO of Petronas has just destroyed about RM8.0 billion of market capitalisation on the Bursa in one day with his remarks about Petronas cutting 20% capex for next year. What a careless attitude. Mr CEO, since you majored in Political Science or something, you should know that ‘loose lips do sink ships’.

The papers say that other oil producers like Mexico have based their 2015 Budgets on US$79 per barrel. They already made some adjustments for the falling oil prices.

I say kawan, oil prices started going down in late June 2014. Our Budget was four months later in October 2014. So how come our 2015 Budget was based on US$100 per barrel? What happened to the consultants McPowerPoint and McPhotocopy?

Didn’t they ask the oil guys in October ‘Hey where is the oil price headed?’ October ok, not June.

And we paid them RM7 beliyon? And Idris Jala is the most influential minister in the Cabinet or something?? Whats going on.

Folks, we are not going to make the Budget for 2015. The gomen will not be getting that RM40 billion from Petronas. The Ringgit is also down.

Zeti says lower oil prices are good. Of course they are good. Everyone knows that already. But diesel prices have gone up. Can Zeti explain this anomaly? The commercial transport sector (buses, vans, trucks, tractors, trains, fishing boats) all use diesel. Their costs have gone up. There will be price increases.

But we are also an oil exporting nation. About a third of our revenues according to some. That’s a lot of foreign exchange earnings.

If the oil price plummets, our forex earnings also plummet. Less demand for our Ringgit. Ringgit will fall. This is already happening. We need to pay more for imports now. We are a huge importing nation. Imported inflation will increase. Prices will go up.

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