Selangor Assembly calls for repeal of Sedition Act


“The Prime Minister’s act of walking back on his promise shows that he’s a hypocrite.”

James Sivalingam, Free Malaysia Today

The Selangor Legislative Assembly passed a motion on Wednesday to urge the Federal Government to repeal the Sedition Act 1948 which circumvents the Federal Constitution and strips people of the right to free speech.

Kampung Tunku Assemblyman Lau Weng San tabled the motion.

“The Prime Minister failed to deliver on his previous promises to repeal the act,” he said in reference to Umno President Najib Abdul Razak’s speech during his party’s General Assembly last week when he pledged not only to retain the infamous colonial Act but strengthen it.

“The Prime Minister’s act of walking back on his promise shows that he’s a hypocrite.”

Lau also touched on the responses from other Barisan Nasional component parties on Najib’s decision to go back on his promise.

“MCA and MIC leaders have said that they weren’t consulted. It shows that the matter was not even discussed at the Cabinet level,” said Lau.

“So, who’s more important to the Prime Minister? Cabinet that represents the rakyat or Umno General Assembly?”


