MP says people fed up with potholes in S’gor

Gobind Singh Deo says the Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali must flex his muscles and demonstrate that he is able to solve the rakyat’s woes.

Shane Fuentes, Free Malaysia Today

Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo took the unusual step on Thursday of publicly calling upon recently-appointed Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali to “address the serious problem of deteriorating roads in Selangor, particularly in Puchong, on an urgent basis”.

Gobind, who is also DAP Selangor Deputy Chairman, said in a statement that the condition of roads in Selangor was appalling, to say the least, and an open fact.

“Despite the fact that thousands of complaints have been made to the authorities in charge, we see little or no improvement at all,” said Gobind, getting into the crux of the matter, implying that Azmin’s honeymoon period was over.

“People are getting tired and fed up with the apparent inability of the state to deal with the problem.”

“We have the manpower and the funds, so what is the problem and why is there no enthusiasm on the part of the government to deal with this problem?”

He alleged that patching works was being done on a complaint to complaint basis.

“Not only are the patching works of low quality, but in just days the holes reappear and even on a bigger scale,” said Gobind. “Despite knowing this, despite it being so obvious, what is the state government doing about it?”

Apart from the fact that some of these roads looked like war zones, they also posed a serious threat to the safety of road users, particularly when it rained as these holes become filled with water and were invisible to the naked eye, he added.

“Accidents happen and continue to happen. So, why is there no urgency on part of the authorities to come up with a better mechanism to solve the problem?”

“I am often told that some of these roads are under the jurisdiction of the federal government,” he disclosed. “I am not interested in the blame game. What is more important is the fact that there is an urgent problem which needs to be fixed.”


