Paul Low: Freedom comes with responsibility

Paul Low Seng Kuan

(The Star) – The right of freedom of religion should not be taken away from anyone.

“Regardless of whatever religion, I believe that people should have the freedom to choose (their religion) and nobody should take that right away,” said Datuk Paul Low, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (governance and integrity).

He was speaking Monday during a panel discussion at an interfaith dialogue, “Harmony in Diversity, a Human Rights Based Approach, marking the beginning of Human Rights Week.

However, Low said with the freedom came responsibility, which Malaysians must exercise with wisdom and understanding of their neighbours of different religions.

“Social media gives us the power to write and communicate in a mass way, and it can sometimes cause the feelings of others to be hurt. We must have the wisdom and consciousness that whatever we write can start something,” said Low.

“In Malaysia, you can express yourselves but within the boundaries of wisdom and that you do not cause certain hurts to people,” he said.

However, Low admitted that sometimes wisdom could be lost, especially in the realm of politics.

“Politics is self-serving, wisdom to a politician is to preserve himself. That is why politicians must rise above their self-interests because when you are a government, you are a government of the people, not the party,” said Low.

On the topic of extremists and radicals, Low said that we must question why Malaysian youths were in the position of being radicalised.

“The threat is very real. It exists in not only Syria and Iraq, but also in Kalimantan and Sabah. It is an ideology that can start an insurgence,” said Low, who said that it is a problem that has to be addressed.

Low also said that issues of discrimination and migrant workers were also problems that Malaysia should fix.

