Haniza: I will only answer sedition charges in court


Taman Medan assemblywoman Haniza Talha says she will not answer to the police as she fears it will be used against her.

Neesha Sangara, Free Malaysia Today

Taman Medan state assemblyman Haniza Talha told reporters today that she will only answer to sedition charges in court and not anywhere else, including the police station.

She said she was not defying police authority but just wanted to be on the safe side.

“I didn’t answer when police questioned me because I don’t want that to be used against me. If they want any statements from me they have to get it from me in court. I’ll defend myself in court to be on the safe side,” Haniza said.

She was brought in by police on Monday for questioning under the Sedition Act for an article she wrote in which she questioned the budget allocation for the early childhood education programme, Permata.

The said article was entitled “Subsidi dipotong demi Permata Rosmah RM711 juta” (Subsidy cut over RM711 million for Rosmah’s Permata).

Haniza insisted that she was very cooperative with the police by being there early after receiving the summons.

“I went there early yesterday with my lawyer, but when they asked questions I did not answer because I think everybody has that right not to answer…I am just exercising my rights and if they really want to know further they can ask me in court,” stressed Haniza.

Haniza also related how she was “not even informed of the details of the police report made against me and the police also did not inform me which part of that statement in the article is seditious so I’m really lost”.

“I am not going to get myself trapped so any further questions they want to ask I will answer in court,” she reiterated.


