Big Brother Ain’t Big Any More


The Unspoken Truth

International events have shown how the American government has this illusion it is the supervisor of governments around the world. Its self-proclaimed right to interfere in the internal affairs of independent countries is not laudable at all counts.

With its national debt of 18 trillion USD and myriad of many diplomatic failures, the US is not fit to be judge or jury in any world event. With no five-star record of successful policies and judgment, US must face reality squarely in the eye, and realize its delusionary big brother ended decades ago with the Vietnam War.

Recently, the second-in-command US VP Biden stooped so low and stepped out of line in diplomatic protocol when he tweeted “Amid growing US-Malaysia ties, the Malaysian government’s use of the legal system and Sedition Act to stifle opposition raises rule of law concerns.”

Biden chose to be oblivious to the Friendly Relations Declaration (UN General Assembly, 1970), which included the following under the principle of non-intervention:

No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State. Consequently, armed intervention and all other forms of interference or attempted threats against the personality of the State or against its political, economic, and cultural elements, are in violation of international law.

Retrospectively speaking, U.S. foreign policy and military adventures in Asia have been epic failures giving fodder for the proliferation of many military or university courses for lessons from American failures. Undeniably, armed with its busybody I-am-better-than-thou predisposition to bully other nations, the US government spawned many controversies and for many years, left behind a trail of destruction in many nations all over the world.

In the name of protecting nations, the US covertly interfered in many nations, and indirectly allowed repressive regimes to flourish, especially in the Middle East. In the name of nuclear disarmament, it hid behind a cloak of hypocrisy and stimulated what it overtly declared it wanted to obliterate in North Korea’s arms race and even about China’s rapid economic development.

The following section (in italics) is a record of how US meddled in the affairs of other nations summarized from here.


