No malls to go to on Friday afternoons


(The Star) – Shopping malls in Terengganu will close for two hours from 12.30pm on Friday to encourage youths to congregate at the mosques for prayers.

A government spokesman said that all local councils in the state would be informed of this directive.

“It comes into effect from Jan 1,” he said.

“The councils will notify all shopping mall owners under their respective jurisdictions,” he told reporters here yesterday.

The official added that the move would help to stop Muslim youths from loitering at the malls when they should be going for Friday prayers.

He was clarifying an announcement made earlier by Mentri Besar Datuk Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman at the state assembly here.

Ahmad Razif had told the House that the decision was made by the state executive council last week.

The issue was first raised by Ridzuan Hashim (PAS-Teluk Pasu), who said there were “too many complaints” of youngsters lazing around at the malls on Friday afternoons.

“I hope the Terengganu government can emulate Kelantan by closing the malls for a few hours for the Friday prayers,” he said.

Ahmad Razif clarified that the state executive council agreed to do this.

Hearing this, Ridzuan said: “If that is the case, I congratulate the Terengganu government on this decision.”
