Sabah State Speaker: Do away with ‘KIV’ files


Sabah State Speaker Datuk Seri Mohd Salleh Said wants the ‘Keep-In-View’ file be abolished to reduce bureaucracy, speed up decision making and clear public’s negative perception of corruption practices among government agencies and departments. 

(The Rakyat Post) – Doing away with the “Keep-in-View” (KIV) file at government agencies can help reduce bureaucracy and gain the people’s trust towards an organisation.

“All we need is a simple ‘In’ and ‘Out’, or ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ boxes.

“It speeds up the decision-making process. At least we don’t offer false hope to applicants.

“Keeping a document on KIV will just create a perception among the people, and it can be a negative one,” said Sabah State Speaker Datuk Seri Mohd Salleh Said.

He spoke to reporters after presenting his paper, “People’s support, the pulse to combat corruption”, during the state-level Anti-Corruption Conference here today.

Mohd Salleh said while it was not fair to blame it all on corruption, he stressed that correcting such a perception was vital.

“In cases where applications are referred to the ‘Out’ or ‘No’ boxes, the applicants should be notified whether their cases had been rejected or have been referred to another department for processing.”

Mohd Salleh said of late, people were complaining over the bureaucracy in government agencies and departments, with many blaming it on corruption.

“Our biggest challenge in combating corruption is correcting people’s perception.

“This perception can happen within a day, during an event, and it can either be true, half true or untrue.

“Unfortunately, in the eyes of the people, corruption is always linked to failures in the government delivery system.

“This phenomenon is normally blamed for every delay and weakness in the system.”

Likening corruption to cancer, Mohd Salleh said the disease must be cured before it worsened.

“To correct this perception — be it in government or private organisations — there must be transparency.

“Reduce red tape or bureaucracy, introduce more online procedures and I believe that will not only wipe out corruption, but also abuse of power,” said Mohd Salleh.

He added methods such as online procedures also reduced human interaction.

“For instance, when applying to put up billboards, one only needs to check the criteria and specifications allowed, apply and wait for approval.

“There is no need to go through bureaucratic procedures; you save time and energy. It’s a clear cut process.”

The former Sabah Chief Minister also called for stern action to be taken against corrupt people, and urged the public to report any wrongdoings to the authorities, including the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

