MCA: PR states should heed Christians on ‘Allah’

Ti Lian Ker

The rakyat in Penang and Selangor have spoken and the Christians gave their mandate to Pakatan.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Pakatan ADUNs in Penang have the numbers in the Legislative Assembly to rescind the ban on 40 words including Kalimah Allah by making amendments to the Penang Enactment.

Since the matter and Enactment is within the state’s jurisdiction, why does Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng not have the courage to walk his talk by doing the right thing in Penang?

“Lim Guan Eng should now be enlightened that it is the state Enactments in the states including Pakatan-controlled states like Selangor and Penang which have prohibited the usage of “Allah”,” said Ti Lian Ker who heads the MCA Religious Harmony Bureau.

The political reality is that in both Penang and Selangor, the Christian vote bank has been crucial in electing the State Government of the day, he added. “Now that Pakatan has received near absolute mandate from Christian votes, why is DAP or Lim avoiding the political duty to right the wrongs?”

Instead of passing the buck or shifting the blame to MCA, BN or the Federal Government, he stressed, Lim should do the correct thing in Penang first.

“Pakatan wields 30 seats out of 40 seats in the Penang state Assembly, of which only six Pakatan elected representatives are Muslims, I am sure you could easily find the 27 Pakatan Assemblymen (the two-third majority) to vote to repeal the Penang State Islamic Religious Administration Enactment 2004.”

The DAP-led Pakatan Penang state government, he continued, could just remove those 40 banned words listed via a gazette (in Section 48(3) of that Penang 2004 Enactment). “This move does not require a two-third majority but only a simple majority will do,” he explained.

“The ball is in DAP’s court in Penang but the party has kowtowed to the political dictates of the minorities in Penang. Clearly DAP has practised political double standards with MCA. Clearly DAP has opted for political expediency instead, so stop shifting the blame to MCA, BN or the Federal Government.”


