Take harsher action on Islam insults, Chinese anti-BN anyway, Perkasa rep tells Putrajaya


(Malay mail Online) – A Perkasa Youth delegate urged Putrajaya today to take sterner action against those who insult Islam, Malays, the royalty and the government, pointing out that Chinese voters do not support Barisan Nasional (BN) in the first place.

Penang Perkasa Youth information chief Azdy Mohd Arshad said the BN ruling government has been too lenient for the sake of the Chinese electorate.

“We want to tell the prime minister, enough lah,” Azdy told Perkasa Youth’s inaugural annual assembly.

“The Chinese don’t vote for us. No need to be lenient. Be a bit harsher,” he added.

The Perkasa delegate also called for the repealed Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for detention without trial, to be revived.

Azdy claimed that insults and “excessive” provocation against Islam, the Malays and the royal institution are growing every day.

He said the abolition of the ISA has enabled non-Muslims to be seditious and to hurl such insults.

“If we surf the Internet, especially Facebook, it can be said that almost every day, there’s evil provocation and rude remarks on Facebook,” said the Perkasa delegate.

He cited a Chinese Facebook user who used the words “devil” and “pork” in describing Hari Raya Aidilfitri and the Muslim fasting season. Muslims are forbidden from eating pork.

Azdy also criticised rapper Wee Meng Chee, known as Namewee, claiming that he had insulted the national anthem and was becoming more and more impudent every day.

The Perkasa delegate further accused Penang of inviting communists and Tamil Tiger militants from Sri Lanka to the northern state.

“Penang wants to revive communism,” he said.

Azdy claimed that a dinner event on November 29 in the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) state promoting the former Malayan Communist Party was attended by 1,000 people, most of whom were Chinese.

Penang state executive councillor Dr Afif Bahardin, whose image was featured on banners of the event that also bore images of former communist leader Chin Peng, has denied that he or any PR leader were involved in the dinner function.

Azdy also claimed the Tamil Tiger armed separatists from Sri Lanka were invited to the Penang International Tamil Conference last month.

“We call for heavy punishment against those who threaten national security,” he said.

