Allah issue: Only one law, no exception for Sabah, Sarawak


What is crucial here is that the application of the law – namely that the name of Allah can only be used by Muslims – knows no boundaries.

Aziz Bari, The Ant Daily

In an immediate response to the controversial court decision on the Allah issue, Sarawak PKR leader Baru Bian said that the implications of the decision would be far-reaching.

The PKR man said it would go beyond the Catholic newspaper Herald and it would also extend to Sabah and Sarawak, whatever the federal government had to say.

True enough the more recent happenings have confirmed what Baru Bian had predicted. The assemblyman for Ba’kelalan from Sarawak was indeed telling us the law. He may be a politician but do not forget that Baru is a lawyer and what he said was right.

I have said in this space some weeks ago that the basic law of this nation is to be found in the constitution. And the constitution, as expounded by the Federal Court decision, said that Allah is only for Muslims.

The constitution is the supreme law for the land and it applies to all; including Sabah and Sarawak.

No one, even parliament let alone the government, has the power to incapacitate the constitution.

The decision of the highest court on the Allah issue may not be right, both from the Islamic and Christian point of views. Nonetheless this is the law as it stands.

Until and unless the court reverses the existing decision this is the law that governs the issue. In the face of this piece of law, the 10-point solution, an executive policy, has no value. It is just a gimmick bandied about by the Najib administration.

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