Insistence on ‘Hudud’ will break Pakatan, says Gobind


James Sivalingam, Free Malaysia Today

DAP Central Executive Committee (CEC) member Gobind Singh Deo was blunt when he told PAS that its insistence in implementing ‘hudud’ law would jeopardise both the working relations among Pakatan Rakyat partners, as well as the support it enjoyed from the people.

Speaking to reporters at his office in Medan Damansara, Gobind said, “When we set up Pakatan Rakyat, both in 2008 and 2013, ‘hudud’ was not in our manifesto.

“As such, for as long as PAS remains in Pakatan Rakyat, they have to subscribe fully to the common manifesto of all the three parties.

“If they persist to push on the implementation of hudud, then we must state clearly our objection to them.”

Responding to statements by PAS MP Mahfuz Omar who told DAP’s Lim Kit Siang to butt out of matters concerning “hudud”, Gobind said, “Both DAP and PKR are duty bound to speak up and remind them (PAS) that they must commit themselves to the earlier agreement.”

Gobind added that DAP had been clear and consistent on the matter of “hudud” all along, citing the talking points at the party’s National Conference yesterday and that the outright rejection of “hudud” was not a personal stand but a collective stand by the party.

“When we went to the polls in 2008 and 2013, we went in as Pakatan Rakyat, and the support that we obtained was largely on the understanding that PAS will not push for the implementation of ‘hudud.’

“PAS insistence of ‘hudud’ is contrary to the spirit of Pakatan, and in that context, will jeopardise Pakatan Rakyat,” said Gobind.

Gobind also clarified that besides fragile working relations between the three parties due to their different ideologies, PR’s support structure would also be in jeopardy should PAS have its way and implement “hudud”.


