Patriotism is alive again in Malaysia


33 prominent Malaysians step forward to show their full support of the group of 25 eminent Malaysians calling for rational dialogue on Islam.

JD Lovrenciear, FMT

We, the undersigned Malaysian citizens from all walks of life, hereby register our hopes, admiration and above all, our support to the call for rational dialogue that was recently proposed by 25 right-minded, inspired and courageous citizens.

Their widely published letter certainly ignites a bright and encouraging light at the end of Malaysia’s darkened tunnel of politics.

We concur with the issues raised by this group of distinguished Malaysian Malay Muslims and appeal to the country’s leadership and especially the ruling political party to address the concerns raised vis-à-vis the “continuing unresolved disputes on the position and application of Islamic laws in this country”.

Indeed Malaysia’s ability and “responsibility” in “demonstrating that justice is done and seen to be done”, is the very cornerstone of this multiracial, multi-religious and multicultural population once dubbed with hope as the ‘Rising Asian Tiger’.

As much as we support unconditionally the belief held by the patriotic Group of 25 noble men and women in so far as Islam is concerned, we likewise call upon, along those same parameters, that all religions beholden to the various faithful be allowed “to continue to be relevant and universal in our times”; and the teachings of our respective faiths be allowed and continue to evolve without any agenda of fear, misrepresentation, oppression or blinkered justice.

To our courageous, informed and well intended Group of 25, we salute you for your expressions of concern and for categorically speaking without fear or favour but in the best and sole interest of nation building.

We assert that, no nation can progress when politics and religion get muddled with self-serving and narrow agendas; no progress can last when religion is made a scapegoat or pawn on the political checkerboard; no religion ruins civilisation when we take the moderate path that is universally proclaimed and cherished.

For we too concur that religion has guided all of God’s creations professing their respective beliefs, through harsh and challenging times.

Hence, the statement made by this inspired group that “there are many pressing issues affecting all of us that need the urgent leadership and vision of the prime minister, the support of his cabinet and all moderate Malaysians”, secures our unconditional support.

The time is here and now and we must not be guilty as a nation for letting this opportunity slip by. This is a defining period in our quest for national transformation and so we must see to the rational dialogue on the application of Islamic laws and other laws in the country.

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