DAP just don’t learn from past injustices

Ng Kee Seng

Ng Kee Seng, The Ant Daily

Is there really fair justice in Malaysia? Malaysians can judge for themselves with so many precedents of “fair play”.

Foreigners, particularly investors, are also watching and judging as well. They will only invest or park their monies in a country where there is justice, not skewered ones.

A case in point is the “strange” behaviour of the Registrar of Societies (RoS).

It has been more than 15 months since DAP carried out re-elections, as ordered by the RoS, but the case is still pending.

How does one expect investors to have confidence in such an “efficient” leadership-by-example administration! Fifteen months and yet the RoS is unable to make a decision on DAP’s case?

Imagine a case scenario where an investor has made it big and successful, and mind you all legal, but suddenly the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) launches a probe based on some trumped up allegations. Why the hell would one risk investing in such a country?

The Malaysian Insider quoted DAP organising secretary Anthony Loke as urging the RoS to be more efficient in its operations and administration.

He added: “I am wondering if the body will ever make a decision on the party’s special congress last year.”

Do you think Loke is that naive not to know the true reasons for RoS’ delay?

Come on Loke. You and Malaysians know why the RoS is remaining mum and refusing to decide or close the case.

The RoS is Umno-led Barisan Nasional’s lackey. So it only serves the interest of its political masters. Not Malaysians and Malaysia.

Is the RoS withholding its decision for the next general election? Is the RoS holding the DAP to ransom?

Malaysians know the RoS is incapable of making any decision on the case until the BN “decides”.

So, Loke, why are you still wasting time “entertaining” the skewered BN government administration with NATO (No Action Talk Only)?

Just take RoS to court to seek judicial justice! There is no such thing as fair play in Bolehland Malaysia. BN-Umno is the law and to expect justice is to expect the sun to stop rising.

The DAP special congress was held in September last year after the RoS issued a notice to the party that there were complaints of irregularities in the party election held in December 2012.

“However, even after complying with the RoS and carrying out re-elections, they are taking forever to close the case.”

“They need to be more efficient in their operations and administration.”

Loke, it is not that the RoS is inefficient. The RoS can be super-efficient when it wants to. But in this case, it must wait for the green light from its political masters.

DAP took the RoS to court in February this year for refusing to recognise the party’s CEC. In September, the RoS finally recognised DAP’s CEC, which led to the party withdrawing its suit.

DAP then called on RoS to speed up the approval for the party’s applications made last year to set up 120 new branches.

So Loke, please learn the bitter lessons from the past and not expect justice and fair play from the BN administration.

Just take them to court and go all out and all the way.

