Help us become stronger by leaving, Umno man tells Najib


(TMI) – In a rare show of defiance, an Umno grassroots leader has demanded that Prime Minister and party president Datuk Seri Najib Razak should step down before the next general election to rejuvenate the party.

In an open letter, Umno Taman Chempaka information head Syed Rosli Jamalullail said the party had become weak and was losing not only Malay support, but also voters of Barisan Nasional’s component parties, especially from the Chinese and Indian communities.

“If Datuk Seri truly loves Umno and Barisan Nasional, the best thing is to step down.

“Help us to become strong again by leaving,” the branch leader said in the letter.

“We did not mean to insult Datuk Seri but we feel that it is better that you step down voluntarily before the 14th General Election.”

He also said that he did not want to “elaborate” further for fear of being sued, adding that he could not afford to be held liable.

He also thanked the prime minister for his efforts, but added that Najib had become a liability.

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