Malacca government backs Peranakan Chinese bid for Bumi status


(MMO) – The Malacca government has declared its backing of a move by the state’s Peranakan Chinese to obtain Bumiputera status, pointing out the community had played a pivotal role in protecting the state from attackers during the early days of the Sultanate.

According to The Star today, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Idris Haron said his administration already regards the community, which is said to have settled in the bustling southern state from as early as the 14th century, as Malacca’s indigenous people.

“Based on historical facts, they arrived on this soil with noble intentions and they extended their friendship to the Malacca Sultanate,” Idris was quoted saying after a meeting with the state executive council yesterday.

As such, the chief minister said his government will support the Peranakan Chinese Association of Malaysia’s (PCAM) bid to secure Bumiputera status for the community.

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