DAP, PKR told to learn about hudud


Selangor PAS says they shouldn’t be blinded by political perceptions.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Selangor PAS has urged DAP and PKR politicians to acquire a deeper understanding of hudud legislation before opposing it.

They should not let political perceptions confuse them, said Ahmad Yunus Hairi, the Selangor Exco for Religious Affairs.

“It looks like the play on perceptions is splitting the public as well as the leadership,” he said. “For example, there is talk that non-Muslims would also be subject to hudud laws.”

Speaking to reporters last night after attending a Maahad Tahfiz convocation here, he reiterated that Selangor was not ready for hudud.

“It’s important to ensure that the public has adequate knowledge about hudud before implementing it,” he said. “The people are not ready. They don’t have adequate knowledge about Islamic laws. So our main agenda with regard to hudud is to impart knowledge.”


