God does not believe in human rights


There are some who argue that by charging Kassim Ahmad in court that is a violation of his human rights and civil liberties. What have human rights and civil liberties got to do with this? In religion, in particular the Semitic religions, human rights and civil liberties do not exist. The only thing that exists is God’s command.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Kassim Ahmad’s court case today has been postponed to 6th January 2015. It seems this is because yesterday the Attorney General submitted last minute written submissions to the court. Hence the court has no choice but to postpone the case to a later date.

Why last minute? Why not earlier as the AG had plenty of time to prepare his case? Maybe this is to be able to drag the case a bit longer since they may feel their case is not so strong after all. Hence Kassim Ahmad needs to endure a couple more weeks of agony while awaiting the decision of the court.

Kassim Ahmad is being accused of expressing his opinion, which the religious authorities consider contrary to what God said. Hence, since Kassim Ahmad contradicted God, then he has committed a crime.

Actually, ex-Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad agrees with Kassim Ahmad (he even went to court to demonstrate his support for Kassim Ahmad). In fact, whatever opinion Kassim Ahmad expressed was not done just recently. He said what he was accused to have said back during the time when Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister.

PAS said the only reason Kassim Ahmad was not punished for his ‘heresy’ back in the days when Dr Mahathir was Prime Minister is because, according to PAS, Dr Mahathir also shares the same views as Kassim Ahmad.

In fact, I attended a book launch seven years or so ago where Dr Mahathir was the guest of honour. In his speech, Dr Mahathir said, Muslims need to review the Hadith. My eyes popped wide open when I heard this and Dr Mahathir quickly correctly himself and added, at least SOME of the Hadith.

But we all knew what Dr Mahathir meant. And what he meant was precisely what Kassim Ahmad had been saying for a long time and for which he had escaped punishment until now. But now the long arm of the law has finally caught up with Kassim Ahmad.

Some say they are not actually going for Kassim Ahmad as much as they are going for Dr Mahathir. They cannot drag Dr Mahathir to court so instead they drag Kassim Ahmad to court as a message to Dr Mahathir. I am really not sure whether this theory is valid but this is what some believe.

The message that the religious authorities are sending to Kassim Ahmad (or, as some say, probably to Dr Mahathir and his daughter, Marina, whom they cannot touch) is that Muslims who reject the Hadith, or question the Hadith, are heretics (maybe even apostates). And heresy and apostasy are forbidden in the Abrahamic faiths.

Yes, that is correct. Heresy and apostasy are forbidden not only in Islam but in Judaism and Christianity as well. If you read the Scriptures of the Old Testament, it is very clear that God commanded that all non-believers (infidels), heretics, apostates, etc., must be killed. You not only kill these people but the entire community plus all the animals in that community must be exterminated.

Basically, the Bible propagates ethnic cleansing and Moses was commanded to do so, and which he did.

No doubt some Christians try to fool us by saying that this may have been true as far as the Old Testament is concerned but the New Testament no longer tells Christians to do this. They tell us that the New Testament teaches peace, love, tolerance and forgiveness, opposite to what the Old Testament teaches.

But this is not true and those Christians who say this either do not know their own religion or are trying to kid themselves, or fool us. Jesus made it very clear that he did not come to introduce a new religion but to confirm the old laws. And this is exactly what Prophet Muhammad said as well. Hence both Christianity and Islam follow the Old Testament laws of death to infidels, heretics and apostates.

We talk about human rights and civil liberties. We propagate freedom of choice, thought, expression, belief, association, etc. God, however, does not allow this. God has decided what we can and cannot believe, say and do. And if we violate these commands of God then we must be punished.

And this is why Kassim Ahmad is being punished. The Jews used to do the same thing more than 2,000 years ago until the Romans whacked them good and proper and brought them in line. Then the Christians did the same thing until about 200 years ago when the great empires were brought down during the 1800s revolutions and secular republics were created to replace these empires and the concept of separation of church and state was introduced.

Nevertheless, until very recently, Christians still regarded Catholics as heretics and vice versa. The fact that they would say Christians and Catholics showed that non-Catholics did not regard Catholics as Christians (while Catholics also did not regard non-Catholics as Christians as well).

I suppose we should thank Napoleon Bonaparte for this or else until today many ‘Kassim Ahmads’ in Europe would be suffering the same fate as the Malaysian Kassim Ahmad.

According to the Abrahamic faiths, you may not think anything opposite to what God says you must think. You may also not express these deviant thoughts. And even if you are thinking them without saying it, and the religious authorities suspect you are thinking the wrong thing, you can still be punished.

And any Jew, Christian or Muslim who tells you otherwise is either a liar or ignorant about his or her own religion.

Hence if you wish to have independent thought you cannot believe in religion. If you believe in religion then you are not allowed independent thought but can only believe what God says you are allowed to believe. And if you believe otherwise you must be punished.

That is the true Abrahamic faith. Contrary to what Jews, Christians and Muslims may tell you, the Abrahamic faith is not about peace, love, tolerance and forgiveness. It is about compliance, submission and punishment for those who do not comply. It is about death to those who defy God. That is the true Abrahamic faith.

So what Kassim Ahmad is facing is actually very mild indeed. According to the Abrahamic faith he is a heretic, or maybe even an apostate. And the punishment for that is death. That is what the God of Abraham commanded. Hence Kassim Ahmad is actually being let off very lightly. And if he does not repent then it is forbidden to bury him in a Muslim cemetery when he dies.

There are some who argue that by charging Kassim Ahmad in court that is a violation of his human rights and civil liberties. What have human rights and civil liberties got to do with this? In religion, in particular the Semitic religions, human rights and civil liberties do not exist. The only thing that exists is God’s command.

