Is DAP really different from BN parties?

Ng Kee Seng

Why is DAP unable to work with PAS trustfully and confidently? Is DAP admitting that should Pakatan be given the mandate to govern Malaysia, it cannot ensure that the administration will be different from BN?

Ng Kee Seng, The Ant Daily

There is certainly no doubt that the 48-year-old DAP has been making waves to consolidate its political support among Malaysians since winning big in the 12th “tsunami” General Election in 2008.

It has gone top gear, aggressively recruiting more young Malay leaders in its bid to become a truly multi-racial party in numbers.

And, at its national conference on Dec 14, the party made two significant changes to its constitution:

·   Implementing a 30 per cent quota for women leaders in its central executive committee (CEC)

·   Limiting the tenure of its state party chiefs to three terms.

The DAP is hoping to win more women support in GE14 and ease bruising leadership struggles that had either crippled or destroyed many political parties in Malaysia.

However, is the DAP really trying to be truly 1Malaysia? Is the DAP really championing for freedom of speech and religion?

If so, why is it that the DAP rejected PAS’ proposed implementation of hudud (Islamic criminal law)?

Don’t Muslims have their right to practise their religion freely?

By outrightly rejecting hudud makes the DAP no different from PAS or any other political party that champions race and religion. The DAP is no different from the agenda of racial and religious bigots, be it individuals or organisations.

After 48 years, why is it that the DAP still doesn’t have the courage to really act according to what they preach in human rights and religion?

Perhaps, the DAP resolution on hudud should have been given more attention and thought.

In rejecting hudud, the DAP is denying the rights of Muslims. What is the difference from the current Umno-led BN’s persecution and intimidation of Christians in Malaysia on the Allah and Bible issues?

If Malaysians are to believe on the righteousness preached by DAP, then it should not have rejected hudud and the rights of Muslims.

What the DAP should have done is to support hudud but clearly stating that Muslim laws and religions cannot be enforced on non-Muslims.

Clearly, what is happening now in Malaysia is the skewered and flawed implementation of religious laws on non-Muslims and the interference of the rights of Malaysians to practise their own faith. That is the problem and the non-Muslim leaders in the BN and government are doing little to stop the religious bigots and the blatant actions by religious enforcement officers and the police against non-Muslims’ right to practice their faith freely.

By rejecting PAS’ hudud, the DAP is denying their Pakatan Rakyat coalition partner’s rights for Muslims. How then do you expect Malays to trust DAP?


