Is there a Youth Parliament senior private secretary?


(The Rakyat Post) – A letter allegedly signed by a senior private secretary to a member of Malaysia’s Youth Parliament has been making rounds over the social media.

The letter signed by the alleged secretary has been criticised heavily, with many calling the supposed position a waste and questioning the motive behind it.

Also in the letter, is a line directing any inquiries to one Meshach JV. However, it is unclear if he is the secretary, as the signature has been pixelated.

Dr Shikin posted on Twitter: “Ahli Parlimen Belia with Ahli Parlimen Belia car crests & having Setiausaha Sulit Khas. Form over substance? Best to rethink that over, guys.”

Azmi Mohd Nor ‏tweeted, “We do not need the Youth Parliament. Haven’t started anything and they have resorted to crazy actions already.”

In another post on Facebook, a picture of the letter also received heavy negative feedback.

Muhammad Danial Syahiran said, “Only just becoming Youth Parliament members and already these puppets want a secretary.”

Nazrul Nazir said “What exactly is the job scope of these Youth Parliament members? Why do they need a private secretary?”

The picture of the letter that went viral allegedly confirmed the attendance of Youth Parliament member Mark Yogaraj to Perbarisan Tahunan Putera Maktab Tentera DiRaja on Dec 18.

Earlier, a picture had gone viral of a Youth Parliament car crest on a car with Pahang licence plate.

The Youth Parliament lettering on the crest came with a Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) logo, to which the non-governmental organisation later clarified it had in fact issued the crest, but only as an appreciation to its members who made it to the Youth Parliament.
