Marina sees father supporting Group of 25


No reason why Mahathir should express any reservations or objections on the contents of the Open Letter by the Group.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Marina Mahathir, the social activist daughter of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, is worried that nearly two weeks after a Group of 25 Eminent Malays penned an Open Letter to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, “the silence has been deafening”.

She was welcoming the Open Letter by the Group which wants the worsening polarization in the country, constitutional issues, creeping Islamisation and creeping desecularisation to be addressed urgently.

She also wanted to emphasize that there was no reason why her father should express any reservations or objections on the contents of the Open Letter

“I am in support of all efforts by the Group which has urged Putrajaya to address the mounting problems in the country which they have listed in their letter,” said Marina on the sidelines of a function on Friday at the Women’s Institute of Management (WIM) in expressing her admiration for the Group. “I salute them. They have given new hope to the country.”


