Muslims are killing Muslims, so don’t blame non-Muslims


Ahmad Mustapha Hassan, The Ant Daily

This situation is getting worse by the day. This can be attributed to the intolerant attitude of the Muslims themselves. They are incapable of accepting that there are different views and different sects to what they are practising.

The most glaring example is the bitter confrontation between the Sunnis and the Shias. It led to killings as happened in the war between Sunni Iraq and Shia Iran which lasted from 1980 to 1988. It is estimated that about half a million Iraqi and Iranian soldiers died in this war and an equal number of civilians also perished.

The war achieved nothing but caused devastation on both sides especially in the economic sphere.

With this intolerance pervading the entire Middle East, it has fallen easy prey to the machinations of the US Central Intelligence Agency. This organisation and its covert and clandestine activities had caused more damage to the world than any other spy agencies.

It was the report by the CIA that Saddam had in his possession weapons of mass destruction that triggered the invasion of Iraq. President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the two main protagonists of this war, stated that it was “to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein’s support for terrorism and to free the Iraqi people.” This was just an excuse to annihilate Iraq as it was getting stable and strong under Saddam Hussein. Saddam had shown an independent stance towards the US.

The US committed 148,000 men, the UK 45,000, Australia 2000 and Poland 194. The Islamic Kurdish group also supported this war with manpower. The other Islamic countries just stood by. The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, supposedly the second largest intergovernmental organisation after the UN, which comprised 57 states, spread over four continents, simply stood still. This shows the impotency of the organisation. Iraq is now in a mess.

Another episode that had the backing of the US was the so called Arab Spring. This created havoc in all the stable Arab countries. It started on 18 December 2010 and quickly spread to all the countries of the Arab League. The League is another impotent organisation.

Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader was ousted and killed on 20 October 2011. He was another Arab leader who stood as a giant against the US.

He, therefore, had to be removed.

The US simply cannot tolerate any world leader who showed abhorrence to US domination of the world. These leaders would have to be replaced. But the Saudi regime which acted as a vassal state of the US has remained intact. It was acceptable to the US although the regime was dictatorial in character. There was no attempt to push democracy into the Saudi realm.

The Arab World is now in complete turmoil. Egypt suffered unending threats from the so-called terrorist groups. It declared that the Islamic Brotherhood was illegal and had the elected President Mohamed Morsi removed from office, arrested and charged.

The Palestinian situation was no better. PLO and Hamas simply cannot work together. The bickering between these two factions gave the Israelis a safe passage to annex more territories.

All these explicable happenings, pioneered by the covert operations of the CIA, had created a power vacuum in the Arab world. Al Qaeda groups were simply eyeing to exploit the situation to their advantage.

The faction headed by Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi, also known as Amir al-Mu’minin, grabbed the opportunity to invade all these areas especially in Iraq and Syria and proclaimed himself as the Caliph. All Muslims were to accept him as the undisputed leader of all Muslims.

Syria was another headache to the US. Bashar al-Assad was a leader in his own right. He owed nobody any allegiance.


