Has Wan Azizah been swept away by the Kajang floods?


It’s a no-show by Kajang State Assemblyperson Wan Azizah as businesspeople and residents battle flood waters for the third time.

(Free Malaysia Today) – It was a scene of chaos, heartache and deep frustration as Kajang folk battled against Saturday’s rising flood waters that gushed into their homes and shops, destroying property and sweeping away their personal belongings and goods.

With rubbish, mud and furniture of every kind and size smashed and strewn across the town in its aftermath, residents were seen trying to return some semblance of order to their town by cleaning up their homes or business outlets.

One person however, not a resident of Kajang, but its state assemblyperson was a no-show, causing the MCA Selangor State Liaison Committee Secretary Ng Chok Sin to question if Wan Azizah had “run away” from her responsibilities.

With damage climbing into the thousands of ringgit, Ng challenged Wan Azizah to “personally reside and make herself available in Kajang to solve issues facing the constituency rather than appearing on television screens only.”

Accusing her of “telling white lies under broad daylight”, Ng said Wan Azizah had to quit blaming everything on the previous administration since Pakatan Rakyat had been given the mandate twice to govern Kajang.

In a statement he said, “To blame every shortcoming on the previous BN state government is an outdated tactic as Pakatan has been helming the state for almost seven years”.

Doubting her “suitability to become an elected representative” who wanted to sincerely serve the people of Kajang, Ng said, “Wan Azizah must be reminded that what the Kajang people want is an effective representative capable of taking care of their welfare, as well as attending to their needs, and not a hypocrite who is only good at political shows with no hands-on.”


