United or disunited, the Malays must find a middle path


The non-Malays can only help by supporting moderate, inclusive, progressive Malay leaders who believe in good governance.

TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today

I like very much the piece written by Zainnal Ajamain, “Instant-fixes won’t solve Sabah’s illegal immigrant issue”.

Essentially what he expounded on was that people don’t read anymore. He said this was common not just among the everyday Malaysian but many captains of industries and leaders too. Hence the “instant fix mentality”, as described by Zainnal Ajamain has permeated into every facet of our decision-making process.

I have my own favourite phrase to describe a similar situation – many of our leaders think they have a “simple solution to a complex problem”.

So we now have Mahathir who said disunity among the Malays has caused the Malays to be beggars even though they are the majority in this country. The Malays, according to him, have to beg the non-Malays, particularly the Chinese, for support to remain in power. Soon after, Minister Nazri joined the farce, saying that Mahathir was right. Malays are indeed political beggars.

This is what Zainnal called the “instant fix mentality” and what I called “a simple solution to a complex problem”. To combine my favourite phrase with Zainnal’s, these two leaders think they now have “a simple instant fix solution to a complex problem”.

Instead of simply lamenting that Malays are disunited, why not ask “why” this is so. Worse yet is blaming the Malays for begging the Chinese for support. Is this a case of killing two birds with one stone in that they are trying to make the Malays look at the Chinese with a jaundiced eye?

I am no expert in Malay unity or disunity. But this much I know. Even if there are no non-Malays in this country today, the Malays will still be divided, maybe into more than three factions as claimed by Mahathir.

What do you expect if we have bourgeois Malays and proletariat Malays?Aristocrat Malays and the peasant Malays? Rich Malays and penniless Malays? Rural Malays and urban Malays?


