Comment on “Mahathir Is Politically Correct”

It’s easier to garner Chinese support with “sweets”, than Malays. Of course, the “sweets” Chinese want are not BRIM alms. 

Karam Singah Patul

Dear Raja,

Good day.

After reading your aforesaid article (READ HERE), it arouses my interest to make some comments.

The mathematical aspect of grabbing Malay support and writing off Chinese support seems to be an interesting subject in strategic think-tanking, in the shoes of politicians.

However, there are factors not to be forgotten:

  • At least 30% Malays are very devoted and staunch supporters for PAS, in the belief that PAS upholds Islamic teachings and values better;

  • Some non-partisan Malays, inter alia, non-UMNO members, do not benefit much from cronyism, and therefore, resent supporting UMNO, even though they enjoy “sweets” in the form of BRIM alms;

  • Educated and elite Malays know what is best for Malaysia, and resent supporting UMNO for unsolved corrupt practices.

Let’s put it this way. It’s easier to garner Chinese support with “sweets”, than Malays. Of course, the “sweets” Chinese want are not BRIM alms. They want:

  • Breathing space for doing business, where licensing restrictions are loosened;

  • More vernacular schools for kids;

  • Peaceful environment, where racism is not provoked in the interests of some disgraceful and irresponsible politicians and NGOs.

Conclusively, in a multi-racial environment, the Government needs to take into consideration the interests of all races, to sustain power. Focusing on one particular race support won’t help!

Best regards,

Karam Singah Patul

Lawyer cum Economist
