PAS stands firm on hudud despite DAP objection


(The Sun Daily) – PAS has reminded DAP not to force the party to abandon its agenda of implementing hudud in Kelantan just for the sake of protecting the tahaluf siyasi (political cooperation) in Pakatan Rakyat.

Its Ulama acting deputy chief Datuk Dr Mahfodz Mohamad said as hudud is a matter concerning Islam, DAP has no right to intervene.

In a report by Utusan Malaysia yesterday, he said PAS will not back off from its decision to implement hudud in Kelantan.

“That has always been the party’s stand, way before me made a pact with DAP,” he said.

He added that PAS will not be following DAP’s lead and will not use the excuse of maintaining the political pact in Pakatan as a reason for abandoning its fight for hudud.

The issue of hudud implementation in Kelantan has caused a heated debate among the component parties in Pakatan, especially PAS and DAP.

On Dec 21, PAS deputy spiritual leader Datuk Dr Haron Din had pointed out that hudud is the soul of the party’s fight and the party will not abandon it amidst rising pressure from its political counterpart.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng had earlier said the move taken by PAS is against the Pakatan’s consensus and is dishonourable to the coalition.

Mahfodz said DAP should not personally evaluate the Islamist party’s commitment in Pakatan based on the hudud issue alone.

“We have the Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council to call for any important decision. DAP cannot say that PAS does not hold any power in the council,” he said.

He also said hudud is an issue that should not be a concern for DAP as the law will only be enforced on Muslims in Kelantan.

“We never touch on issues involving non-Muslims, such as the consumption of alcoholic drinks among them,” he said.

