Hudud is not a game, stop playing with it


Hudud has very little to do with religion but everything to do with dictatorial power, absolute control and subjugation of the people.

TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today

I would like to remind Malaysians in general and politicians in particular that hudud is not a game. So stop playing around with it.

Where has all the education, intelligence, knowledge and experience of the world gone? Are we blind or just hypocritical? There is no heaven or perfect system on earth. And anyone who believes there is, is delusional. Our present criminal system is also not perfect but at the very least there are rudimentary due processes and rules of natural justice incorporated to ensure minimal fairness and justice to both the perpetrators and the victims of crimes.

What processes does hudud have? Did god set the processes or are they the product of the whims and fancies of humans?

I just read the interviews given by Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah, the deputy menteri besar of Kelantan where he describes hudud as a means to “guide” the Kelantanese back “on the right path”.

What is this “right path”? How long has PAS ruled Kelantan? How come the party, despite its Islamic emphasis and credentials, was not able to bring an iota of difference to the state when compared with other states in Malaysia? Now, after more than two decades of total failure, they want to introduce hudud as a means to “save” the state and its people?

The implementation of hudud is to be carried out by humans, not god. Right now, those who steal a tin of milk could land themselves six months in jail while those who steal millions are still enjoying holidays abroad with their mistresses. With hudud, it would still be the same, except this time the poor will lose their limbs faster than the rich. I do not need empirical evidence to support my argument, just like he too has no empirical evidence to suggest hudud would be equitably applied.

Frankly I am beginning to doubt the intelligence of this deputy menteri besar when he can’t even differentiate between chopping off limbs to save a life and chopping off limbs as a form of punishment.

I also have some strong words for Anwar Ibrahim. According to him, the problem with hudud is a lack of enforcement by the state and the need to amend the constitution.

May I remind Anwar that the problem with hudud is not whether the state government has the power to enforce Islamic law or not. It is also not about who is going to make the arrests or carry out the punishments. Please don’t divert attention in the wrong direction. If they have no power, they can always empower; if they have no one to arrest and carry out punishments, they can always find someone.

Dear Anwar, the problem with hudud is about its suitability and applicability in our society and in our time because these laws will be interpreted and carried out by ordinary men and women. That is why I am urging our politicians not to play games with our lives. This issue is too important for us to be vague about and to play to the gallery with.


