Islamic State in the making if ‘Malaysian mess’ not resolved soon

Politically and constitutionally, the federal government is digging its own grave by refusing to acknowledge Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners and refusing the listen to the voices of the people in Borneo or to address their grievances. 

Jeffrey Kitingan, The Malaysian Insider

Sabahans and Sarawakians need to unite and assert themselves to reclaim Sabah and Sarawak rights and to untangle themselves from the ongoing “Malaysian mess” which is getting messier with serious repercussions.

While parts of the peninsula are submerged in raging floods, Malaysia is now submerged in a sea of messes, comprising of political, economy, corruption and financial, socio-cultural, constitutional and administrative, lawlessness and anarchy, security and the pressing Borneo/Sabah mess.

There is corroborating evidence, mainly provided by the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department, government agencies and other international organisations, including the United Nations as well as statements by the federal ministers and Umno leaders.

In the current technologically advanced social media, what is happening in Malaysia, the whole world would know at a click and the federal government cannot hide the Malaysian mess from the world.

Politically and constitutionally, the federal government is digging its own grave by refusing to acknowledge Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners and refusing the listen to the voices of the people in Borneo or to address their grievances.

They are compounding the situation by threatening them with arrests and amendments to the Sedition Act to make it seditious to voice the rights of the Borneo states.The selective prosecution of political opponents with immunity of Umno and Umno-linked racial and religious bigots is also contributing to lawlessness and rising anarchy.

Umno ministers and leaders are condoning and sponsoring religious and racial extremism which will tear a peaceful and harmonious country apart. Worse, the religious and racial extremists are steering Malaysia towards a Taliban/Islamic State in the making.

On the economy and financial front, Malaysia is a disaster in the making with a bloated civil service that is underperforming and overstaffed, in numbers and in percentage of civil servants to population ratio.

It has also drained the finances of the nation with operating expenditure accounting for 79%-80% of the national budget leaving only 20%-21% for development which will impact a lower multiplier effect and stifle economic growth.

Economic mismanagement, corruption and excesses in spending have raised the national debt from about RM94 billion in 2000 to about RM700 billion currently.

With the current 40% drop in oil prices, which will reduce national revenues, the depreciating value of the ringgit, implementation of GST (goods and services tax) and higher inflation with higher costs of living, the majority of the ordinary people will end up poorer and burdened and add to the already widening rich-poor gap which is currently at its highest, both locally and regionally.

The Borneo/Sabah mess is further threatening to split the country into two or three parts.


