Mr PM, do you support idiotic behaviour?


It is unbelievable that opposition politicians who had come around to distribute aid to flood victims at a relief centre in Kluang, Johor, were shooed away by the Kluang local authorities.

P Ramakrishnan, Aliran executive committee member

Aliran is shocked and flabbergasted that that we have idiots who don’t know how to conduct themselves during a national crisis.

Malaysia is in the throes of a national tragedy that requires everyone to rally around in the national interest. But we have imbeciles who are unable to appreciate with gratitude the help that is extended during these trying times. It is a shame that we have such goons who are unable to act appropriately when assistance is extended to the suffering victims of the devastating floods.

It is unbelievable that opposition politicians who had come around to distribute aid to flood victims at a relief centre in Kluang, Johor, were shooed away by the Kluang local authorities.

According to a report (Malaysian Insider, 27 December 2014), the Mengkibol state assembly member Tan Hong Pin and Kluang MP Liew Chin Tong were asked to leave while giving out supplies to flood victims at a relief centre at Kampung Bentong. “We were forced to take back the supplies which were distributed at the relief centre,” said Tan.

In another instance, Tan said his entourage was also turned away from Kampung Bentong Dalam by its village chief on the premise that they were uninvited.

This village chief failed to understand that when help comes uninvited it must be all the more appreciated. It is so unbecoming of these thoughtless people who allow politics to come in the way of a national calamity. They failed to realise that this is the time to set aside political differences and join hands to help our fellow Malaysians who are begging for relief and much needed assistance.

When people are suffering and starving, we don’t need idiots to add to the trauma of these unfortunate people, who are not bothered by political differences. All that they expect and want is meaningful assistance from whatever source to relieve their agony and pain. They don’t want any impediments to be put in the way to frustrate they needs.

The Prime Minister cannot hold his silence in the face of such insolence. He must raise his voice and condemn this unbecoming behaviour in the strongest of terms. He must remove these people from their positions when they stand in the way of national reconciliation. Such people are a danger to our national unity.

Malaysians await his response.

P Ramakrishnan
Aliran executive committee member

P Ramakrishan, the long-serving former president of Aliran, has been granted a respite and now happily serves as an Aliran executive committee member. He has carried the flag for human rights and democracy for Aliran since its inception in 1977, when the term ‘human rights’ was considered something of a dirty word.
