BN Perak state government rejected donation for the flood victims from Pakatan-led Selangor


BN Perak is irresponsible, heartless and soulless for rejecting the donation for the flood victims. BN Perak should stop playing partisan politics at a time when Malaysia is facing the worst ever flood in history and immediately accept the RM100,000 donation from the Selangor Government.

Chong Zhemin, DAP Perak Economic Development Bureau Chief and Political Secretary to DAP Perak Chairman 

The BN Perak state government has rejected the RM100,000 donation for the flood victims from the Pakatan-led Selangor state government with the excuse that the donation will be channeled through an NGO.

This excuse is totally unacceptable and childish since the Pahang and Terengganu state government has already accepted the donation. If Pahang and Terengganu state government can accept the donation from the Selangor Government, why can’t Perak?

BN Perak must grow up and understand that the donation is not for the Perak state government but for the flood victims. It is irrelevant how the donation will be channeled to the flood victims as the bottom-line is to ensure that the donation reach the flood victims.

BN Perak’s decision to reject the donation is irresponsible, heartless and soulless as the donation is meant for the flood victims. This also proves that BN Perak is putting its political interest above the people’s interest even if it means that the flood victims continue to suffer without food, water and basic necessities.

BN Perak should stop playing partisan politics at a time when Malaysia is facing a national crisis with the worst ever flood in history. DAP Perak is ready to put aside our political differences and cooperate with any BN component party be it UMNO, MCA, Gerakan or MIC to form a bipartisan flood relief team to help the flood victims. The ball is now in BN’s court to prove that they are willing to put the flood victims interest at the forefront and take a bipartisan approach towards flood relief.

With the number of flood victims in Perak continue to rise from 7,360 people from 1,998 families to 7,412 people from 2,018 families, I urge BN Perak to immediately reverse the irresponsible decision and accept RM100,000 donation from the Selangor Government.
