Get rid of Najib or lose Putrajaya, BN told


Kadir Jasin makes his most blatant call yet for the PM’s ouster.

(Free Malaysia Today) – If Umno and Barisan Nasional wants to keep Putrajaya, they must get rid of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, veteran journalist Abdul Kadir Jasin says in his latest blog entry.

“I am sorry to have to say this,” he writes. “Umno and BN can keep the PM and pretend that everything is fine, but they must accept the fact that the risk of them being chucked out at the next GE is immense.

“The Pakatan Rakyat parties do not have to do much. They just need to keep their internal differences in check and stop washing dirty linen in public.”

Kadir is known to be a close associate of former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad and his blog articles are often interpreted as echoing Mahathir’s thoughts. He has often criticised Najib’s leadership, but this latest article is the most blatant call he has made for the Prime Minister’s ouster.

“For Umno and the Barisan Nasional, a change has to happen,” he writes. “If it does not happen, the situation can only get worse and the grand old coalition may finally succumb to old age.

“Like the Romans who had to choose between Caesar and Rome, the time has come for Umno and BN to choose between Mohd Najib and Putrajaya.”

He says Najib and “his merry men and women” have wasted the opportunity offered by the current floods to prove their concern and capabilities.

Quoting a Malay saying which he translates as “each time it floods, the sandbank would move”, he says it could “very well have a literal meaning” for Najib.


