Do our politicians know what kind of change M’sians want?


This reader doubts our politicians have any clue as to what kind of change is good for the country.

TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today

Kadir Jasin talked about the need to kick out Najib to save UMNO. Salleh Said Keruak said it was not solely Najib’s fault. It was UMNO’s fault; UMNO must change.

Many politicians in UMNO, past and present, have talked about the need to change. Politicians in Pakatan Rakyat also talked about it all the time. But then, do our politicians really know what changes are needed for this country? Do they really know what the majority of Malaysians are yearning for?

Change could be a dangerous thing if we are not careful. When some politicians talk about change, they actually want more money for themselves, more racism, more bigotry, more senseless shopping, more extremism and more dictatorial power. Have we not seen some of the changes that have made a country worse?

So, when we want Malaysia changed, do we know what we asking for? What if we disagree with what we want? What if the differences are too wide among us? How do we reconcile our disagreement and differences so that this country can move forward as one nation?

First, do we still believe in democracy and majority rule? Do we still adhere to the principle of government of the people, for the people and by the people? Do you feel that there are institutions and forces other than elected ones calling the shots and dictating how this country should be governed? Do we find parallelism and dualism in our system of government now? How do we deal with issues like these?

Second, do we want a government that talks about god and invokes divinity all the time or do we prefer a government that is secular but professional and intelligent? Right now, I think we are neither here nor there. It is best that politicians settle this in their change agenda. All politicians must openly declare which side they are on.

Third, are we a welfare state or a country based on work and ingenuity? Can we be a great country if the majority of our citizens are dependent on BR1M and other welfare payments? Have we extended our welfare and assistant programmes to a ridiculous and absurd level?

Fourth, do we want centralisation or decentralisation in our system of government? Again we must make choices in an environment that is rapidly changing. Politicians must explain why one is preferred over the other, not just to gain popular support from Sabah and Sarawak. To me, the states within Peninsula Malaysia are also in dire need for empowerment and decentralisation.


