Unity minus ethics, ‘even more brainless’, says Ariff Sabri


(FMT) – Why is only Malay unity promoted and that too will be confined to Umno and PAS?

Ibrahim Ali says those who oppose unity are brainless.

“I fully agree with him on this point,” said Raub MP Mohd Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz. “But only up to a point.”

“Those who support unity without regard to ethical principles, without clear basis are even more brainless.”

Those who come together blindly without clear directions are even more stupid, he added in his latest blog posting. “Would anyone come together in the commission of a crime, stealing money from the people, pillaging the country’s coffers? Most will say no to this kind of come-togetherness.”

A union between PAS and Umno will only result in the concentration of power and thereafter of wealth-creating resources in the hands of the elite i.e. the top 20 per cent of the Malay community, he warned. “The rest of us are just cannon fodder. Regarded as digits in the grand scheme of agama, bangsa dan negara (religion, race and nation).”

“It will be a union between the feudal and bourgeois elements in PAS and Umno.”

Delving into history, Ariff said it has been shown repeatedly how men of God collude with the aristocratic and the modern day aristocrats in fleecing the common man. “Religion will be in the service of the moneyed class.”

“I know this (unity) is entirely a decision that PAS is going to make and we don’t interfere in their domestic decision making, but this caveat ought to be taken into consideration,” said Ariff. “Don’t come together if you are motivated by your subjective primal fears and prejudices.”

Read more at: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2015/01/09/unity-minus-ethics-even-more-brainless-says-ariff-sabri/
