In response to CNN’s spin on the Paris shootings

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

There is not much religion IN the Paris shootouts except for it being a ‘respectable’ excuse for some lunatics to avenge decades of mistreatments and discriminations by some ignorant French on North Africans who were invited to France to serve in the French army during World Wars I & II.

They ended up in ghettos and subjected to racial discrimination after the war. Unlike other migrants like the Vietnamese who managed to breakout of the ghettos, the North Africans were held back by their religious Islamic culture.

Later generations of North Africans were marginalised and become social deviants and economic and political dropouts. Fertile pickings for radical Islam as their vehicle to vent their anger. They are not ‘religious’ themselves and that is why they are so vulnerable to adopt non-mainstream Islam values such as killing innocents, women and children over problems that could be solved by other means.

The feud between that poorly-defined categorised group as ‘secular or liberal Islam’ who treat Islam as a religious faith, and the ‘radical and fundamentalist Islam’ as an ideology, will continue to persist and will be sorted out by Muslims themselves.

Outsiders smoke cigar lest you run the risk of being caught in the cross-fire. That is also the warning in Malaysia. We also learnt in our local debates that there no absolutes and zero-sum solutions. We are also aware that a society cannot prosper peacefully if a large proportion of it is mired in ignorance and poverty. These are lessons to be learnt.

Not like CNN, taking advantage of the incidents to subtly make them sound or turning them into a competitive inter-religious rivalry forums. Your interviewer’s rude questioning of a respected Islamic scholar of whether he is ISIS is uncalled for and reflect your skimpy knowledge of the players in this game or being just purposefully mischievous.

Fuck the Zionist-owned media.

The fact that the French President was at the cartoonist’s office within ten minutes of the shootout, swearing vengeance, spoke a lot of the effectiveness of Zionist craftiness. It was not a synagogue; the French would merely scream perfunctorily. It has to be something dear to them. 911 and WMD were engineered to scare Americans. These Paris shootouts were engineered to scare away Europeans were seriously considering accepting Palestine as a state. Who will NATO invade next? Iran and Syria who remain thorns in Israel’s flesh?

The actors, including Osama Ben Laden, were just morons unwittingly and unknowingly manipulated to think they were in charge in doing what they were not capable of doing by themselves. Their so-called acts serve the Zionists. Such is the pull of 72 virgins and a short-cut for the downtrodden.

Social justice, humility and respect for all that Allah created are cornerstones of Islamic teachings. There were nothing of those in the Paris shootouts. Let’s not pretend to debate the lunatics’ motivations just in order to subtly permeate Islam-bashing.

