How to deal with people who want Muslims to apologise for Charlie Hebdo


(The Independent) – Richard, a caller from Maidenhead, said although a “very minority group” carried out the terror attacks in the French capital a wider apology “was needed”.

In the days since the Charlie Hebdo shooting we’ve witnessed some powerful responses to the attack: from tens of thousands taking to the street in unity rallies to Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, and from an imam who arrived at the scene of the murders to Private Eye editor Ian Hislop.

LBC presenter James O’Brien made his own powerful point about not blaming Muslims for the events in Paris of the last week when he dismantled a caller to his show demanding the Islamic community apologises.

Richard, a caller from Maidenhead, said although a “very minority group” carried out the terror attacks in the French capital a wider apology “was needed”.

Here’s the transcript of what happened next:

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