Major Zaidi to work in Penang?

Major Zaidi Ahmad

(The Rakyat Post) – All is not lost for former Malaysian Air Force officer Major Zaidi Ahmad who lost his job in the military force as Penang Deputy Chief Minister I (DCM1) Mohd Rashid Hasnon contemplates offering him employment.

According to Rashid, he was looking at offering the ex-officer a job after he lost his when a military court found him guilty of breaking protocol on the indelible ink issue — in either a non-governmental organisation (NGO) or in the state government.

Rashid indicated that he would focus on finding a job for Zaidi either in Tikam Batu or Bertam.

He said he felt compelled to provide moral and family support to Zaidi,  whom he regarded as a good friend.

“He is a close friend of mine and now is the time for me to help a friend in need.

“We will consider offering him job in a NGO probably,” Rashid said when contacted.

He was responding to a call by Umno critic Shahbudin Husin that one of the Pakatan Rakyat-led state governments of Penang, Kelantan or Selangor should now step in to give the now unemployed Zaidi a job.

Zaidi sparked controversy during the last general election in May 2013 when he told the press that the indelible ink used can be easily removed.

Rashid revealed one of his friends from an NGO had already met Zaidi to discuss the job.

“There will be openings for Zaidi where he can actively contribute to the people,” said Rashid, adding that at the moment there were no vacancies in his office.

