salleh said keruak

Salleh Said Keruak

The government has been urged to monitor and tighten up the existing regulations of the independent and private schools in this country, particularly those suspected of instilling fanatic ideology.

In making the call, Sabah Legislative Assembly Speaker Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Salleh Tun Said said the move was necessary to prevent the spread of fanaticism among students, thus avoiding the children from being influenced by the extreme doctrine that could trigger chaos and hostility.

“Therefore, it is important that we should monitor and tighten up regulations on private and independent schools, especially those suspected of instilling religious fanatic ideology among its students,” he said in his speech at the handover ceremony of the 1Malaysia Early Schooling Special Aid at SMK Pekan, here today.

Salleh said through observation, the government should take an early stern action to keep religious fanaticism in check.

“Anything that could lead to a dispute should be discussed behind closed doors or in the spirit of mutual respect.

“It’s important to maintain a peaceful atmosphere, especially in Sabah, which is relatively peaceful and stable since it gained or achieved independence (the formation of the Federation of Malaysia),” he said.

In this respect, the former Chief Minister said the education system must be able to produce a new generation of Sabah, who were disciplined and possess the confidence, skills and moderate thinking in terms of relationship between race and religion.

“They (students) must understand the history of the formation of this country and able to seize economic opportunities and jobs available everywhere, including overseas.

“It has been proven, Sabahans are capable to rise to greater heights and is capable to compete in all professions,” he said.

