Ex-Mej Zaidi: Pakatan for me if I enter politics

Major Zaidi Ahmad

(The Star) – Should he decide to embark on a career in politics, former Air Force officer Zaidi Ahmad says he will definitely choose to join Pakatan Rakyat.

“Regarding politics, I will definitely join Pakatan Rakyat but the party though … I shall keep that as a secret,” Zaidi said in a text message to The Star Online on Saturday.

Responding to reports that the Selangor and Pahang state governments were willing to offer him employment, Zaidi said he would have to carefully study the offers.

“I will have to meet the Selangor and Penang state representatives and carefully study the offer.

“If the offer suits me, I might accept it,” he said.

However, he added that for the moment he wished to concentrate on his business.

“At the moment, I want to concentrate on my direct selling business. I want to continue writing books too.

“My next book will be on defence issues and also my trial, which to me is a good topic for my next book,” said Zaidi, who recently released a travelogue of his Haj pilgrimage.

On Monday, a court martial sacked Mej Zaidi for making a media statement on the ineffectiveness of the indelible ink in the 2013 general election and releasing information about his transfer letter.

He had been ordered to enter his defence on two charges, but opted to remain silent. The court found his choice of remaining silent sufficient to convict the 47-year-old Air Force officer.

Saadon Hasnan, who chaired the five-member panel noted that Mej Zaidi, the commanding officer of the Butterworth air base, had been given three options – to give evidence under oath, testify without taking the oath or to remain silent.

Mej Zaidi was charged with making a statement on the indelible ink to the media without approval from the Defence Ministry at the Kepala Batas police station on May 1, 2013.

He was also charged with broadcasting official information on his transfer letter without the approval of the Armed Forces Council at Taman Bertam Indah, Kepala Batas, Penang, on May 3, 2013.

