Salahuddin Ayub for PAS President?


He is the Mr Clean in the party, says a former official.

(Free Malaysia Today) – A former PAS official has urged the party to consider vice-president Salahuddin Ayub as replacement for party president Abdul Hadi Awang.

The startling proposal came from Zulhazmi Shariff, the former PAS Youth executive councillor who about a week ago sparked some controversy with his suggestion that Hadi not be re-nominated at the party elections this June.

“To me, Salahuddin is the most qualified candidate,” he said in an interview with mStar Online. “He is the one Mr Clean in PAS. He’s not associated with any faction and there are no controversial issues that can be connected to him.”

Zulhazmi indicated his rejection of deputy president Mohamad (Mat) Sabu and vice-president Husam Musa for the Number 1 party post.


